Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Love Handles...

If someone were to ask three things that play center stage in my life it would be food , food and yes you guessed it right food. I wonder how it managed to escape, even a fleeting mention in my first blog. But as wise old men, and women(see I am not a sexist) say “der aaye durust aaye”

My affinity for this life sustainer is definitely more than normal and explains my love handles to some extent. I like to think of myself as a person with a multi-cultural tooth…have not stayed within the realms of having a sweet tooth only.. “me” has diversified into other areas as well.. I have a Chinese tooth for sure…and also a Thai and Mexican one… and this list could go on and on…

After recently being anointed as a vegetarian, I fear I have shut my doors to about half (if not more!) of the things, this fine world has to offer. But then, I am ready to contend with the greener half, in lieu of the positive feeling I get after becoming a convert

The idea of fine dining holds special appeal to does trying out local delicacies when I travel to new places. In fact, part of the blame for me being such a foodie, would go to my family. I remember that in our trip to leh, like in most of our trips, me and my sis were busy planning out our itinerary for lunches and dinner 24X7..always rearranging and rescheduling… like those travel  trips u book from cheap and not so recommended travel agents…

I would trade Vir Sanghvi’s job for anything… Imagine what this guys get paid for… for eating and sleeping in 5 stars and then writing of it… Well, I have been contemplating on a job change for long now, guess  I should be aiming for the bull’s eye this time around….TV shows in the genre that go recommended by me are MasterChef Australia and Highway on my plate. Enough of this writing… I guess..its time for me to shake a leg and try to gid rid of my love handles..  

Sunday, 20 March 2011

PaPeR Planes

We all have had childhood dreams....those fragments of situations, pictures and even smell, etched deep down in our memory. A recent discussion in my work cab made me exhume those old memories like the ghost of Christmas past and i was taken in a journey back in time...of all the things i recall, I can very categorically say i had a very happy childhood...Those games with friends..flying paper planes in class...and some as ridiculous as chasing dogs on bicycles. I wish i had never put this down in black and white but then what the hell..this game was so much a part of my so called "growing up". 

I fondly claim to have a very photographic memory..If i were to name one childhood article that i remember the most it would be my water sipper... As naive and crazy as it may sound i still remember the colour, smell, feel of my beloved thirst quencher...

Life seems to have come such a long way now...from riding bicycles to driving cars...from the Rs 2.0 cardamom flavoured sweet and starchy kisme bar to the more sophisticated nugget filled toblerone now... and so on. But sometimes i wonder wasn't life simpler then... it took only a extra five bugs of pocket money to make me throw my chunk of calcium.. but maybe one cant fly paper planes is about change and one needs to move on with it... maybe looking back at life as in a rear view mirror.. and guiding your future course accordingly....