Sunday, 20 March 2011

PaPeR Planes

We all have had childhood dreams....those fragments of situations, pictures and even smell, etched deep down in our memory. A recent discussion in my work cab made me exhume those old memories like the ghost of Christmas past and i was taken in a journey back in time...of all the things i recall, I can very categorically say i had a very happy childhood...Those games with friends..flying paper planes in class...and some as ridiculous as chasing dogs on bicycles. I wish i had never put this down in black and white but then what the hell..this game was so much a part of my so called "growing up". 

I fondly claim to have a very photographic memory..If i were to name one childhood article that i remember the most it would be my water sipper... As naive and crazy as it may sound i still remember the colour, smell, feel of my beloved thirst quencher...

Life seems to have come such a long way now...from riding bicycles to driving cars...from the Rs 2.0 cardamom flavoured sweet and starchy kisme bar to the more sophisticated nugget filled toblerone now... and so on. But sometimes i wonder wasn't life simpler then... it took only a extra five bugs of pocket money to make me throw my chunk of calcium.. but maybe one cant fly paper planes is about change and one needs to move on with it... maybe looking back at life as in a rear view mirror.. and guiding your future course accordingly.... 


  1. Shishir, you have captured the flash-back from memories beautifully in words! keep writing dude!

  2. As every single day goes by I realize that the one went by was much more carefree, same goes for stages of life, DCE days seem so simple today. I think this makes a strong case for enjoying "today" a lot, coz given the past experience today will in all probability be simpler and much more fun than tomorrow :)

  3. Lovely, took me back in time :)

    You might want to have a re look at the theme of the blog, sometimes overshadows the words.

  4. Loved your thoughts.. everyone keeps some pretty thoughts from their childhood days alive throughout their journey so that we could smile using them on the most depressing crossroads of life..

    My childhood was little longer when I continued flying paper planes in College as well and then running bicycles/bikes with dogs chasing behind me..
    The most memorable thing that I recall was during the monsoons I would drive the cycle as fast I could through the clogged water to spill it on people and then managed to quickly disappear...
    I know it was mean but then it was fun for me at the age of 12....
